Sunday, 22 May 2016

8 Embarrassing Things Only Girls Who Went To All-Girls School Will Understand

8 Embarrassing Things Only Girls Who Went To All-Girls School Will Understand

1. The first thing you did after entering the school was to fold your sleeves up. Full sleeves became half sleeves and half sleeves became sleeveless.

2. It didn’t matter if you read text books or not but you were definitely interested in romance novels

3. You had a crush on every remotely decent male teacher in the school

4. Having a boyfriend suddenly made you super cool in the whole school

5. If you ever got in trouble for your bad-ass attitude, you became suddenly popular. The whole school knew you and wanted to be in your friend zone.

6. All your secret jokes were about the natural bodily processes of women and about the things you were not allowed to talk to anyone

7. Unhooking bras and pulling straps was perfectly normal and was considered a form of playful affection

8. You most probably had a crush on your friend’s super weird older brother because he was the only guy you knew.

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