Tuesday 23 August 2016

WWE Raw Results - August 22 2016

We’re less than 24 hours removed from SummerSlam and we’re still reeling. Last night’s extravaganza saw Raw’s Brock Lesnar decimate SmackDown’s Randy Orton, then Shane McMahon, so I think it’s safe to say that might have a big bearing on tonight’s show. I don’t believe The Beast Incarnate will be on hand tonight but Mick Foley and Stephanie will surely respond to Brock’s savage attack.
Tonight’s show should also feature the coronation of the first-ever WWE Universal Champion: Finn Balor! Seth Rollins battled Finn Balor in a huge match last night to determine who would become Raw’s flagship Champion. Both men laid everything on the line in a great match but it was Balor who stood tall after a Cous De Grace. There was a lot of online backlash to the Universal title, which is practically the same belt but with a red leather strap. I guess it’s a personal preference deal but I didn’t have a problem with the title, lest we forget the spinner belt from a few years ago! However I will say I was hoping for a different looking belt, just to differentiate the two.
Elsewhere on the SummerSlam card, Roman Reigns mauled Rusev before their match could even begin last night. Reigns beat Rusev all over ringside, before Spearing him on the ramp. That quick affair will lead to further matches between these two, as well as increased vitriol. Reigns will be in the hunt for the US Title and Rusev will be out for revenge….or a restraining order. The New Day retained their Tag Team Titles over Gallows and Anderson last night, in a no contest that involved Jon Stewart and a returning Big E. Much like the Reigns/Rusev match, this just served to continue the feud.
The other big Raw match from SummerSlam was the Women’s title match between Sasha Banks and Charlotte. Those two had a hard-hitting bout that featured some scary botches from Charlotte. The end result however was a loss for Sasha in a great match. Charlotte will surely be out gloating tonight. Y’know, a fair few Raw matches last night ended in disqualifications or no contests. SmackDown boasted the match of the night, between Styles and Cena, while Raw came in second with Balor and Rollins.
All in all, SummerSlam was a very up/down card, featuring some instant classic matches, and a few bad booking decisions. While SmackDown’s matches served as finishes to feuds, Raw’s acted to preserve them for another day. The next PPV is the return of BackLash, which is a SmackDown exclusive show. Meaning the next Raw PPV is actually Clash of Champions on September 25. WWE now has a full month to build to that show, and seeing as almost all of the feuds from last night will be continuing, so it will be interesting to see how WWE prolongs them going forward. Get ready for another edition of Monday Night Raw and enjoy the show!

Raw opens with highlights from last night’s SummerSlam. After the intro, Michael Cole welcomes us back to Brooklyn, New York, and announces that Finn Balor is injured. Finn got injured last night when Seth Rollins powerbombed him into the barricade. Unfortunately, it turns out Finn’s injury is serious and he requires surgery…and a six month return schedule. Finn comes to the ring to relinquish his newly won WWE Universal Title.
Finn makes his way to the ring, all smiles, and the red title looks great on his shoulder. The fans give Finn a standing ovation, along with Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon, who are in the ring. Balor says the belt on his shoulder represents a lifetime of sacrifices. It also represents that, if you believe in yourself, you can achieve anything. And last night he achieved the impossible and became WWE Universal Champion.
Balor thanks the fans for the support, and then thanks Seth Rollins for the match of his life. The fans chant “thank you Finn”, to which he says they deserve the thanks. Balor says he will be back when he is ready but now he has to give up the belt. Foley takes the belt from Finn and holds his hand high. At least Finn can always say he was the first ever Universal Champion. Finn walks up the ramp and turns to wave at the fans but Seth Rollins’ music hits and out he comes, laughing at Balor. Rollins continues to the ring.
Rollins says let’s not live in the past, especially now that we know who the real Universal Champion is. Rollins points to the title and calls it beautiful and says he is the rightful Champion. Before Seth can say much, he’s interrupted by Sami Zayn. Huge Ole chants ring through the arena as Sami comes to the ring. Zayn doesn’t say a word and out comes Chris Jericho, and then Kevin Owens, all three of whom argue amongst themselves, and Foley and Stephanie, about who deserves a title shot. But that’s not everyone, Enzo Amore and Big Cass also make their way ringside and join the arguing, then The Guy, Roman Reigns joins the party as well. Even with all those men in the ring, the fans chant for Heath Slater.
Finally, Mick Foley says that each man is deserving of a title shot. So tonight there will be a series of matches, the first of which will be Seth Rollins against Sami Zayn. Kevin Owens has a stare-down with Zayn before leaving the ring, allowing Seth to attack Sami from behind. Zayn rolls from the ring and Rollins stands tall as we go to commercial.

WWE Universal Championship Series

Seth Rollins Vs. Sami Zayn

We return as Zayn is landing a series of chops on Rollins. Rollins catches Zayn with a kick and eats a shoulder from Zayn on the ring apron. Zayn lands a headscissors takedown on Rollins and Rollins rolls from the ring. Rollins avoids a dive from Zayn over the top rope. Rollins pulls Zayn out and tries to powerbomb Zayn into the ring barricade, like he did to Balor, but Zayn blocks it and catches Rollins with a springboard moonsault off of the barricade.
Back inside the ring, Rollins catches Zayn with a quick superkick. Rollins whips Zayn to the corner, then lands a clothesline. Zayn lands on his ankle awkwardly after jumping off the bottom rope and over Rollins. Zayn takes a breather in the corner and the referee keeps Rollins back. Zayn tells the referee he is okay. Rollins charges and Zayn dumps him over the top rope. Zayn then flips over the top rope and takes out Rollins on the outside. Zayn is favoring his ankle. Back inside, Rollins catches Zayn with a flying knee. Zayn rolls out of the ring favoring his ankle some more. We go to commercial.
Raw returns, Rollins catches Zayn with a dropkick after Sami attempted a Blue Thunder Bomb. Rollins with chops to Zayn in the corner. Rollins takes Zayn to the top rope but Zayn headbutts him away. Rollins quickly climbs back up with Zayn but again he is fought off with a series of forearms. Zayn hits a sunset flip on Rollins off the top turnbuckle for a two count.
Rollins attempts a Pedigree but Zayn reverses into a roll up for another near-fall. Zayn catches Rollins with an exploder suplex on Rollins in the corner. Rollins hits a running high knee cutting off Zayn. Seth stomps away at the ankle of Sami and then puts a boot to the face. Rollins with an ankle lock on Zayn. Zayn fights out, attempts a Michinoku Driver, Rollins counters and hits the Pedigree for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins

As we return from commercial we get highlights from last night’s main event. in which Brock Lesnar KO’d Randy Orton, leaving him a bloody mess.

WWE Universal Championship Series

Neville Vs. Kevin Owens

The bell rings and Owens with an early Pop-Up Powerbomb attempt, which Neville counters with a series of body kicks and then dumps Owens over the top rope. Neville hits a dropkick to the face of Owens, knocking off of the ring apron. Neville lands a huge 450 splash on Owens off of the ring apron to the floor!
Owens is tossed back in and Owens rolls out to the other side. Neville leaps over the top rope and catches Owens on the outside. Chris Jericho walks out down the ramp distracting Neville. Owens out of no where with a clotheslines leveling Neville. We go to commercial.
We’re back and Owens hits elbows to Neville in the corner. Neville falls down and Owens misses a cannonball attempt. Neville catches Owens with a release German suplex. Owens misses a frog splash, leading to Neville going up top and landing a spinning corkscrew moonsault off the second rope for a near-fall.  Cole said they have breaking news from Mick Foley that will be revealed following the conclusion of this match. Neville lands another German suplex holding this time for a two-count.
Neville misses a shot off top, Owens retaliates with a superkick, Owens then attempts a Pop-Up Powerbomb but Neville lands on his feet and connects with a kick to the head. Neville goes back up top but jumps down and kicks Chris Jericho in the face – who was yelling at him from ringside. Neville then lands a kick to the head of Owens. Owens trips up Neville on the top rope, gets Neville on his shoulders in the torture rack and throws Neville down in a neckbreaker. Owens hooks the leg and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Kevin Owens

Michael Cole reveals that a Fatal Four Way match has been set by RAW GM Mick Foley that will feature Seth Rollins, Kevin Owens and two more spots to be filled later tonight. The winner will become the new WWE Universal Champion. Big Cass vs. Rusev and Roman Reigns vs. Chris Jericho are the remaining matches tonight.
WWE Tag Team Champions The New Day are headed to the ring next. We go to commercial.

The New Day are on their way to the ring as Raw returns. Big E has a big bowl of Booty O’s and is pouring it all over fans. Big E says it’s great to be back. Kofi Kingston talks about New Day being WWE Tag Team Champions for 365 days as of yesterday. Kofi thanks the fans for being vocal during the good times and the bad times. Xavier Woods picks up a piñata filled with Booty O’s. Big E grabs a stick to begin the festivities.
Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson interrupt. Gallows and Anderson both call The New Day stupid, as well as Brooklyn. Anderson questions what New Day is celebrating. he brings up how New Day lost the match last night. Gallows says they are owed a title rematch. Anderson calls Kofi the stupidest, irony. He asks Kofi if he enjoyed the Magic Killer he received last night. Kofi tells Big E to defend him. Big E has nothing. We have a match on our hands as we go to commercial.

Big E Vs. Karl Anderson

We are back live as Big E hits a belly-to-belly suplex on Anderson. Anderson catches Big E with a dropkick to the knee and stomps away at Big E in the corner. Anderson drops a jumping knee over the knee of Big E. Anderson again kicks out the back of Big E’s knee and gets a two count off a pinfall attempt.
Big E lifts up Anderson and launches him over the top rope. Gallows hits a big boot and uppercut to Woods, then Kofi, on the outside. Back inside, Anderson gets a knee up when Big E attempted his spear through the ropes. Woods and Kofi drop Gallows off the ring apron. Trouble in Paradise by Kofi on Gallows. Woods with a quick shot on Gallows as well. Big Ending on Anderson for the win.

Winner: Big E

WWE teases that The Dudley Boyz may retire tonight – something both Bubba and D-Von have hinted at on Twitter today. We see footage of their WWF debut back in 1999. We go to commercial.
We return and get more photo highlights from last nights show. Titus O’Neil is in the ring. Titus mentions that The New Day won the Tag Titles at last year’s SummerSlam, but he says everyone forgets that the Prime Time Players were the Champions going in. He says he gets asked all the time if that was the worst day of his life, to which he smiles and says hell no, it was the best. Losing that match was the best moment of his life because it was the day he got rid of Darren Young. He says Young would not be relevant were it not for him, just like how Jay-Z wouldn’t be relevant if not for Beyonce. The fans boo.
Titus makes fun of Bob Backlund and says he can’t help make Darren great again, because he never was great. Titus invites Darren to the ring so they can settle this once and for all. No sign of Young, so the fans chant for Heath Slater again. Titus says he wants Darren, and shouts for crazy old Backlund to let Darren come out. He questions who Bob Backlund is anyway, and there comes the old man himself.
Backlund runs into the ring and Titus throws him into the corner. Backlund grabs Titus and locks in the Chicken Wing, as the crowd erupts. Titus escapes and powerslams Backlund, which causes Darren Young to come a running. He kneels over Bob as Titus laughs, then Titus lifts Young and hits the Clash of the Titus. We go to commercial.
Tom Phillips is backstage with Stephanie McMahon, to talk about Lesnar, but first we’re shown the highlights again. Phillips asks what is Stephanies reaction, and she says Lesnar crossed a line, and there will be repercussions.

Universal Championship Series Match

Rusev Vs. Big Cass

The two behemoths lock-up but Rusev starts punching Cass, forcing him back into the corner. Cass retaliates with some major chops to the chest. Rusev takes a hit to the ribs, which are still in pain from last night, and he rolls from the ring to regroup. We go to commercial.
We return to see Rusev holding Cass in a submission in the middle of the ring. During the commercial Rusev hit a spin kick to regain control of the match. Cass starts to fight back with some big shots to the ribs of Rusev. Cass hits the ropes but Rusev takes him out with a shoulder to the knee.
Cass hits some shoulder tackles on Rusev, then a splash in the corner. Rusev again rolls from the ring, then superkicks Enzo out of nowhere. Cass chases Rusev around the ring, then back inside. Cass splashes Rusev in the corner, then unloads with shots to the ribs. Cass lands a scoop slam, then attempts the Empire Elbow but Rusev again rolls out of the ring.
On the outside, Cass reverses an Irish whip from Rusev, sending the Bulgarian Brute into the steel steps. Back inside, Rusev kicks Cass, who responds with a big boot to Rusev. Once again Rusev leaves the ring and starts crawling away, up the ramp. The referee starts to count and Rusev backs away, while Cass counts with him. Rusev is counted out!

Winner by Count-Out: Big Cass

We now have three of the four competitors for next week’s number one contender match. Tom Phillips is with Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho backstage. Phillips asks what they will do if Jericho joins the match next week. Jericho calls him Phillipe, and says that he will be Roman Reigns, then he’ll make a great Universal Champion. Owens says he would make a great Champion, were he not going to win it. Jericho says he is a 6-time Champion and now it’s time to become the Champion of the Universe, which is a really big place. They have a slight argument over who will win the Fatal-4 Way but Jericho says what’s important is tonight and Roman Reigns is going to get it.

We’re back with WWE Women’s Champion, Charlotte, and Dana Brooke in the ring. Dana tries to start a You Deserve It Chant but fails miserably. Charlotte says you can forget about Serena Williams, Hope Solo, or Sasha Banks, because she is the greatest female athlete on the planet. Charlotte says last night Sasha proved that she’s all talk and no cash.
Charlotte makes fun of Sasha’s back and tells her that when she’s ready, not to bother coming back. The Queen has reclaimed her throne. Charlotte and Dana are about to leave when Mick Foley comes to the stage. Foley says the two of them continued to raise the bar for the divison. Foley says he talked to Sasha and she will be granted a rematch when she returns from injury. Charlotte says she hopes Sasha does come back because she’ll break her back again. Charlotte says that after last night, she deserves the night off and, to be honest, there is nobody left to face her.
Foley says there are poor parts to his job, like relinquishing Finn Balor’s title, but there are also great aspects, like introducing the newest signee to Raw’s women’s division: Bayley! The former NXT Women’s Champion makes her way to the ring, accompanied with a thunderous reaction. The fans chant for Bayley, then sing about her. Bayley grabs a mic and says she can’t believe this is actually happening, and the fans tell her she deserves it. Bayley says she’s been waiting for this her entire life, so she thanks Mick for the opportunity. Bayley asks Mick Foley for a hug, right here, in Brooklyn, New York. Foley happily obliges. Charlotte says Foley has been spending too much time promoting his reality show because Bayley was left behind during the Diva’s revolution. Bayley says she would never upstage Charlotte but what she will do, is challenge her for the Women’s Championship. Charlotte condescends her and says she has to get in line. However, Charlotte says Dana is in the mood for a fight, and that match will take place, next!

Bayley Vs. Dana Brooke

We return live as Bayley gets a quick headlock takedown on Dana. Bayley with a drop toe hold on Dana and then rides on top of her. Bayley eats an elbow from Dana. Dana sends Bayley into the corner a few times.
Bayley fires up and does the same to Dana repeatedly. Bayley with a springboard arm drag. Bayley teases attacking Charlotte from the ring apron. This allows Dana to get in a big kick that sends Bayley to the outside. Dana with a baseball slide that launches Bayley back.
Dana then throws Bayley back first into the ring barricade, tosses her back inside the ring and applies a submission to keep her grounded. Dana with big right hands over Bayley. Bayley with shoulders to the ribs of Dana in the corner, hits a corner splash, tosses Dana aside, goes to the second rope and connects with a spinning elbow. Bayley connects with her Bayley to Belly and gets the pinfall on Dana.

Winner: Bayley

After the match, Bayley looks at Charlotte and smiles. We go to commercial.
Rich Swann, Noam Dar, Brian Kendrick and TJ Perkins from the WWE Cruiserweight Classic are profiled. The Cruiserweights arrive on RAW beginning on September 19.
Highlights of the first match between Cesaro and Sheamus in the best of seven series at SummerSlam last night is shown. Sheamus won the first match. Backstage, Sheamus takes a shot at New York sports teams and says unlike them, he will be a winner.

Braun Strowman vs. Johnny Knockout

Before the match, Johnny Knockout tells Byron Saxton he likes big sweaty men. Knockout with a few shots to Strowman in the corner. Strowman levels Knockout with a clothesline and then a big forearm to the back. Strowman tosses Knockout in the corner and then hits a big corner splash. Strowman with a reverse chokeslam and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Braun Strowman

After the match, Braun Strowman picks up Johnny Knockout, puts him on his shoulders and then drives him down on the mat face first. Strowman yells at the referee to count it. The referee says he isn’t going to count it. Strowman yells at him to count. The referee counts a second unofficial pinfall. Strowman starts yelling at the crowd.
We see footage of The Dudley Boyz return to WWE last year. Another commercial break.
We come back and The Dudley’s make their way to the ring. Bubba says the past year has had some ups and downs, wins and losses, but through it all the fans respected them because they’ve buster their humps for 20 years. D-Von says it’s been 20 years travelling up and down the road with Bubba. 20 years of creating legends and iconic matches, like the TLC matches with Edge & Christian, and the Hardy Boyz.
D-Von says he’d do it all again, every chair shot, every ladder bump, every bit of it. D-Von says WWE has always been his home and without the fans, there would be no Dudley Boyz. Bubba tells the fans to get to their feets and applaud themselves. Bubba says in this industry, you don’t always get to go out on your own terms. And even though this past year hasn’t been great for them, they get to call it a day in their own backyard. D-Von shouts Testify.
The Shining Stars come out as Bubba and D-Von slap hands. They say that it’s about time Bubb and D-Von retired, they’re washed up. The fans chant for tables. Epico says they have a special going away present for the Dudley’s – two commercial flights to Puerto Rico. They say they can relax and enjoy the food, the beaches, and the women, all of which is better in Puerto Rico. Bubba and D-Von hit simultaneous punches on Primo and Epico. We get a 3D on Epico, and then a diving headbutt on Primo. D-Von brings a table into the ring but Anderson and Gallows attack the Dudley Boyz. They hit the Magic Killer to Bubba Ray on the outside. D-Von tries to attack them but they double team him, and hit another Magic Killer through the table. It’s a little unclear if Bubba and D-Von are genuinely retired or that was the start of a feud.

Universal Championship Series Match

Chris Jericho Vs. Roman Reigns

Both men lock-up, and Reigns connects with a shoulder tackle early. Jericho slaps Reigns. Reigns catches Jericho with an elbow and clothesline combo. Reigns with a clothesline to Jericho in the corner. Jericho hits a high elbow, but Reigns responds with right hands. Brooklyn starts up a You Can’t Wrestle chant at Reigns. Jericho tosses Reigns out of the ring and we go to commercial.
Raw returns and we see Jericho dropping Reigns and firing up the crowd in Brooklyn. Jericho stands on the long hair of Reigns and pulls up on his arms. Reigns with right hands and the fans are booing. Jericho hits a dropkick and gets loud cheers. Jericho with a boot to Reigns from the corner. Jericho attempts a bulldog and Reigns pushes off, forcing Jericho to crotch himself in the corner.
Reigns with clothesline shots on Jericho in the corner. Reigns drops Jericho with a quick uppercut shot. Jericho avoids a Superman and gets Reigns down for a Walls of Jericho. Reigns spins out. Jericho with a kick to the head, hooks the leg and Reigns kicks out. Jericho with straight rights to Reigns. Reigns sends Jericho over the top rope. Jericho hangs on, goes up top, jumps and Reigns catches him with a right hand on the way down.
Reigns rolls out and connects with his drive-by dropkick to Jericho on the apron. Back inside, Reigns has Jericho up and Jericho counters. Jericho catches Reigns with an elbow to the face. Reigns gets knees up during a Lionsault attempt. Reigns with a Superman on Jericho. Jericho kicks out. Reigns is fired up in the corner, charges and Jericho catches him with a boot. Reigns counters a Codebreaker and connects with a sitdown powerbomb on Jericho for a close two count.
Kevin Owens runs down the ramp to distract Reigns. Reigns with a shot on Owens. Jericho rolls up Reigns for a close two count. Reigns with a Superman on Jericho. Jericho counters a spear attempt and gets the Walls of Jericho locked in. Reigns is trying to power out. Reigns is dragging himself and gets to the bottom rope to break it up. Cheap shot by Owens. Codebreaker on Reigns. Jericho hooks the leg and Reigns kicks out. Jericho with repeated slaps to Reigns.
Reigns is on his feet and throws some slaps at Jericho. Superman to Owens who jumped up on the ring apron. Reigns rolls through a pinfall attempt. Reigns catches Jericho with a spear, hooks the leg and gets the pinfall.

Winner: Roman Reigns

It will now be Seth Rollins vs. Kevin Owens vs. Big Cass vs. Roman Reigns in a Fatal Four Way match next week to crown a new WWE Universal Champion.

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