Saturday 21 March 2015

The Most LIkely The World Will EnD

The Most LIkely The World Will EnD:

15 Most Likely Ways the World Will End

Eventually, the world is going to end, or at least life on Earth as we know it, and when it does, it is probably going to be by one of these terrifying methods. Prepare yourself for the worst by reading about them before they happen!
You might not be aware but space debris hits the Earth every day. Of course much of it is tiny, but some of it is quite large. It is estimated that an asteroid would have to be at least a mile across to wipe out humans on Earth and one of that size hits about every 10 million years. If it happened to the dinosaurs, it could happen to us!

Nuclear War:

 Not only is the tension high between many of the countries around the world, but a record number of them are armed with nuclear bombs: 9 to be exact. And only 5 of them have a Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, leaving 4 countries doing whatever they want with them, including North Korea. Studies have shown that if worldwide nuclear war broke out and 100 bombs were launched it would create a nuclear winter with record low temperatures and severe impacts on the surviving population. If 1,000 bombs were launched, it is estimated that most if not all of the world's population would be killed in the war.

Supervolcano Eruption:

 Some scientists actually theorize that volcanic eruptions could have been responsible for the extinction of dinosaurs not an asteroid impact and another one was thought to kill about 95% of species on Earth about 200 million years ago. Want to know something that will really scare the pants off of you? There is a super volcano 34 by 45 miles wide under Yellowstone National Park that is due to erupt every 600,000 years and it has been 640,000 years since it last erupted. If and when this volcano erupts, it could emit 2000 million tons of sulfuric acid, blocking out the sun for years and causing the equivalent of a nuclear winter.


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