Tuesday 23 August 2016

High School Relationships: Pros And Cons

It was 52 degrees outside and it was time to say goodbye. After weeks of anticipating this moment, it was finally here. The porch light hit his sun-bright eyes just evenly, I could see my reflection. We stared aimlessly into the darkness trying to gather the words to say. He was swaying back and forth staring at his shoes with his hands in his pockets. Knees go weak, and lips quiver.
This was it. He looked at me and gave me a smirk and nervously muttered the words, “will you be my girlfriend?”
Typical high school relationship. We put so much feeling, time, and thought into dating.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
We slip away from our family, friends, school, and sometimes reality.
“I feel that high school relationships are very vital to the rest of a persons relationship,” senior Paul Mason said. “High school relationships are really the beginning of serious relationships.”
There are many pro’s and con’s when it comes to dating. The positive side of dating is that it gives you the chance to go out and have some fun. You are able to learn about the opposite sex and how they react in certain situations. It helps you to become a better communicator, and learn to consider the feelings of another.  You are also able to learn what you want and do not want in a future spouse.
There is no doubt that there are many negative aspects to dating. Dating can be healthy or unhealthy.
“High school relationships are and can be gratifying and make life long friendships,” counselor Saunja Gandy said. “On the other hand, they can be devastating and have hard consequences.”
Youth who date too young tend to stop communicating with their parents. We rather spend time with our boyfriend or girlfriend.  Dating can cause unnecessary stress and interfere with your studies, dreams and goals. Dating can lead to pressure which may lead to hasty choices.
“Like everything else, it is important to discuss the characteristics of a healthy and unhealthy relationship and education with our teens so they can be aware of the dangers that are out there,”  Gandy said.
Three years and six break ups later, here I am. My first year of high school without him. When I look back on the last three years, there is not a single memory that he is not in. We consumed each other and it wasn’t healthy. I lost touch with my family and best friends. I would stay up late and study when I could have studied earlier that day. I put things off till later just so I could spend some time with him. I’m finding myself now spending more time with my family. Who knew they were actually fun?! I am closer with my friends now then ever before.
I miss him, but I missed life more.

source:  TRC

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